Support Index

Hyperlink Manager

To insert a URL or link to another web page in the page content:

  1. Select the text you wish to assign to a hyperlink or place your cursor where you would like the hyperlink to appear in your page.
  2. Click the icon in Content Editor Toolbar 
  3. Enter the URL address for the external link in to the Web address text field
  4. To add an email hyperlink, enter "mailto:" in front of the email address in the Web address text field. IE:
  5. Enter the text to be hyperlinked in the Text text field. If you selected text in step 1, the text will appear here.
  6. If you would like the link to open a new browser tab, check the box below. If the box is not checked, the link will open in the same window, requiring the user to use the back arrow to navigate back to your site. It is highly recommended to open all external links in a new window.
  7. Enter a description of the link in the ToolTip text field.
  8. Click Insert 

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